Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Let your emotions flow

Times when you sleep open eyed,
falling from this world to the darkness inside,
Times when you just want to scream,
and shout out to the skies,
Restless to find all the answers that's bugging you inside,

This world is a nasty place,
they ask you to smile
because nobody like teary eyes,
your shaky trembling hands will be misjudged for your confidence
your scared strained voice will be misread for your grit
So cry all you want but don’t you quit.

Let your sadness choke your lungs,
and make you numb to feel the rise and fall in your chest,

Let your fears cripple you and left you unawaken
and make your world so dark
that no dawn can break,

Let the emptiness fill your void,
and leave you in the chaos where everything gets destroyed

But don’t you stop, just let it flow
Let it hurt
Let it burn
Let it consume you,
B’coz the ashes that will be left in the end, will be the real you !!

Saturday, 16 September 2017

It's not about what you get, it's about how you feel about it.

As the Socrates said in Peaceful warrior, “Suffering is inevitable, if you don’t get what you want you will suffer, if you get what you don’t want you will suffer and even if you get what you don’t want you will still suffer because you can’t hold on to it forever”. So don’t waste time in sorting out life rather live the life as it comes. Don’t fall into the trap of “If only I had this, I would be this, If only this, If only that, if only…..I would get happy” It's not about what you get, it's about how you feel about it. Try to fully engage in the moment, don’t waste time gloating in the past or worrying about insecurities of future, instead “Experience the moment”. The secret of life is to enjoy the moment, “Here and Now period”.

Life is no race, no one is loosing and no one is winning. Success matters only when you are able to enjoy it, otherwise its just a number and no one is keeping the score. So don’t pin your success on outcomes. Love what you do and do what you love. Remove the trash from your mind, clear off your mind from everything that you don’t need or you don’t love. Make peace with yourself and accept yourself and every situation as-is. Don’t be envious of others success or try to imitate them in your life. Instead, find your own goals. Everyone wants to tell you whats good for you and what you should do, they don’t want you to find your own answers rather believe in what they say. Don’t listen to them. All your answers are within you. Listen to it!!

Don’t try to go somewhere, rather be at the moment. Now, this Time !! At the end the only thing that matters is not what you did, but how well you did it and did you love what you did.

Friday, 27 January 2017

"कदम डगमगा जाए तो गिरने न देना,
रास्ते भटक जाए तो मंज़िल दिखा देना
इस भीड़ में , इस भीड़ में। ......."

pain, loss, tears, bloodshed
Aren’t u afraid? Life asked
Death smiled.

Among  high-quality pictures in her album,
lied one shabby blurred picture
For her, it's the best “Me and my Mom”

life slapped her in the face,
harder she said

mascara checked,
eye shadow checked,
foundation checked,
once again she has put on her mask to hide the scars

he kissed on her forehead,
love you dad, she replied

loud music,
dance floors,
late night parties,
nothing helped her forget her pain
her father’s smile did

less salt, half cooked vegetables and over baked chappatis
it's delicious, she replied to her dad

in the world where everybody leaves,
I will always be there for you,
replied the brightest star

"I was right", said the mind mockingly to heart
Once again heart has no answer!
